Our People
Over 150 staff bring expertise to topics including climate diplomacy, politics and geopolitics; systemic fossil fuel transition, energy policy and industrial strategy; sustainable finance and resilience, public banks, financial regulation and international financial reform.
Our backgrounds range from political science and economics, finance and regulation, to carbon management and beyond. Offices in Berlin, Brussels, London and Washington DC support our network of Associates worldwide.
Together they combine to represent 30 Nationalities and 20 Languages.
As Chief Programme Officer you will be leading over 100 of our 150 staff internationally, including our six programme teams, communications and fundraising. You will support the partnerships and Secretariats that we host, enabling consistency and excellence across all we do.
Our teams
Our work is global in outlook. Political economy and governance underpin our efforts across seven interconnected areas. The scope of our work is unified in its ability to leverage the biggest impacts.
We are strategic thinkers
We combine deep strategic understanding with policy expertise. We analyse the political economy of climate and develop scenarios of how the future may evolve and what can be done to manage risks and exploit opportunities for action.
We are architects of climate action
We bring diverse stakeholders together to align action and foster dialogue. Through our collaborative approach we build connections and bridges, open windows of opportunity and create coalitions for change.
We are trusted brokers
We work closely across the globe with those driving climate politics forward, supporting them to tackle challenges behind-the-scenes. Governments rely on our knowledge of how to get things done in climate policy making.